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Combi Terminal Twente accelerates shipping operations AI-trained AtBot in Teams

In these times, customers are unforgiving, especially when their products and services are on the line. And for businesses in the transportation industry, taking the time to carefully review every minute detail is crucial to ensuring their customers get their goods when they need them, where they need them. Problem is, time is also money, and finding the sweet spot between efficient and quality customer service is an everyday challenge for global transport companies like Combi Terminal Twente (CTT).

In this video, you’ll learn how CTT is leveraging the integration capabilities of Microsoft Teams to provide global customer support powered by AtBot and give clients the ability to track their goods anytime, anywhere.

The ‘Internet of Things’ Is Changing the Way We Look at the Global Product Value Chain

IoT is no longer a novelty, and still it surprises us each day with new, innovative solutions to everyday tasks. When was the last time you checked the TV for the weather, or had to download your photos to a computer so you could share them with friends or relatives? Unless you’re a meteorologist or professional photographer, chances are it’s been a long time since you did either of those things.

Today, our devices do almost everything for us. From scheduling our appointments to letting us know when our heart rate is above or below safe levels, to everything in between. Our IoT devices truly get to know us better than we thought we knew ourselves. So why not utilize this data to create amazing experiences with the products and services we use every day?

In this article, you’ll learn how the IoT is helping businesses reevaluate the way they interact with their customers to create new, non-intrusive, and relevant business opportunities that are changing the way we look at the Global Product Supply Chain.

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Tips to avoid drowning in data

With the coming of digital transformation and IoT, businesses have begun a race to obtain more data from their customers and business processes. This may seem like amazing news until you realize that out of the 7.5 septillion bytes of data produced each day, most of it provides little or no value to generate actionable intelligence that can influence or alter a company’s bottom line. This means that carefully selecting and curating data is just as important as building the infrastructure needed to obtain it.

Read this article to learn how collecting unnecessary data can negatively impact your business and to gain insights into how you can better filter data to enable the creation of revenue-generating opportunities.

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How We Saved Our Culture of Collaboration: Tech Was the Means for Easing the Pain of Rapid Growth

What qualifies as a successful collaboration tool? The short (and kind of obvious) answer is: one that gets people to use it. In other words, your large investment in a new platform may have proven useless unless that platform resonates with your workforce. This is why today’s leading platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Workplace by Facebook have put customization and convenience at the top of their to-do list. And it’s paying off immensely, with the industry expected to reach a value of $60 billion by 2023.

So what’s the secret sauce behind the success and massive adoption of these platforms? Read this article to gain spot-on insights into how modern collaboration software has evolved to earn its place in the hearts—and devices—of today’s millennial workforce.

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The 4 main types of secure hardware

IoT is everywhere: industries, smart cities, homes, and wearables are just a few examples. It’s an everyday reality and the number of connected devices is rising rapidly. But with connectivity comes vulnerability. IoT devices present always-on targets for hackers looking to access your business’ network and device cloud, gain malicious control of the device, or steal critical data.

Since there are so many potential ways in which cybercriminals can hack into online devices, it’s no secret that their connections to each other and the cloud need scalable and easily deployable security solutions. Read this infographic to learn about the 4 most commonly used standards for secure hardware used to protect today’s devices.

View: The 4 main types of secure hardware

Move to the connected AI business cloud

Not so long ago, siloed client data was the norm. Client relationship management (CRM) software was usually used by sales teams to track their meeting data, but it was often only installed in onsite computers and keeping it updated was often a multi-task endeavor. Sales and customer services teams in the field had to keep their notes in separate documents until they were able to upload them into the database. This meant that businesses were regularly using incomplete client information to make decisions and had no way of knowing if the available data truly showed the latest interactions.

Thankfully, that all changed with the advent of cloud technology. In this decade, businesses empower their customer service teams with devices they can use to update their databases in real time and applications that integrate information directly into their client’s profile. And in this regard, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is leading the industry with a connected AI business cloud that fosters innovation and efficiency. Read this infographic to learn about the unique aspects that make Dynamics 365 the hero brand of cloud-based business applications.

View: Move to the connected AI business cloud

Amplify your apps with Microsoft Teams Developer Platform

Collaboration software is evolving. These days, just having chat-based capabilities is simply not enough, as anyone who’s ever received nefarious “check your email” messages can relate. That’s why leading enterprises are constantly striving for integration and convenience. After all, using multiple logins, juggling a dozen passwords, and getting bombarded with useless DMs is no one’s idea of an efficient workspace.

Today, our collaboration tools have become increasingly integrated with each other. Chat-based applications can now send files, serve as online storage for critical project management, and function as digital meeting rooms. This not only saves time, but also enables valuable reporting and management capabilities that are crucial for today’s global businesses.

In this infographic, you’ll get familiarized with the Microsoft Teams Developer Platform and how it can be leveraged to extend the effectiveness of your existing apps as well as create new ones that maximize your teams’ efforts.

View: Amplify your apps with Microsoft Teams Developer Platform

Start your IoT journey with industry-leading SaaS and PaaS offerings. Learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Regardless of your business or industry, it’s most likely that your digital transformation initiatives require a stable, secure, and flexible platform that can scale and adapt to your projected growth. You also want a flexible business partner, one that can adapt to your established methodologies and effectively complement your teams’ unique strengths.

Subscribe now to learn how you can leverage Microsoft Azure IoT and the Microsoft Partner Program to create growth-enabling digital transformation and long-term partnerships that drive success for your business.

View: Start your IoT journey with industry-leading SaaS and PaaS offerings. Learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Use machine learning to analyze candidate information and recruit the best talent. Learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Recruiting has evolved. Fueled by machine learning and AI, today’s top recruiters are implementing a host of digital tools to not only help them locate the best talent, but also statistically identify which candidate is the best for each role. And with the expanding reach and integration available within digital collaboration software like Microsoft Teams, the odds of choosing the wrong person for an important role are fading into obscurity.

Stay subscribed to learn more about Modern Workplace trends and how you can empower your recruiting teams with Microsoft.

View: Use machine learning to analyze candidate information and recruit the best talent. Learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Keep your citizen and patient information secure with the power of the cloud. Learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Accurate client information is the holy grail of customer service. And it’s no secret that keeping your customer service teams’ data constantly updated is key to securing happier customers and brand loyalty. Less talked about, however, is the fact that people feel comfortable sharing their most intimate problems because they trust that their data is being kept safe and far away from prying eyes or cybercriminals.

Subscribe now to stay updated on how the Microsoft cloud is empowering governments and health providers to keep their citizen and patient data secure while enabling their growth, trust, and digital transformation.

View: Keep your citizen and patient information secure with the power of the cloud. Learn more about Microsoft for Government.