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FINNING | Value of Partners in Azure Cloud Application Building

Team synergy is critical to ensuring the success of a project. But this isn’t just a matter of putting people together in a project and expecting results. An active effort must be made to ensure everybody is well aware of their role, scope, and how to collaborate so that all teams can create a methodology that pushes the project forward on time and within budget.

In this video, you’ll learn how Finning, the world’s largest Caterpillar dealer, has created a culture of collaboration with their digital transformation partner to drive successful IoT initiatives, and how they made it all possible by using Azure IoT.

Microsoft Talentsoft Dior Partner Story

Few things are more frustrating than having a co-worker or boss who isn’t prepared for their current position. To be fair, though, recruiters have a lot resting on their shoulders and they’re well aware of the importance of their role. Placing the wrong resource within a critical project can have long-lasting implications for the entire business, not to mention the investment that must be made in finding and training that person’s replacement.

Today, modern recruiting techniques and methods provide multiple filters to ensure a person’s the right fit for a role, but they aren’t always failproof. This is why leading recruiters such as Talentsoft have decided to go one step ahead and leverage digital transformation, machine learning, and cloud technology to help their clients always obtain the profile they’re looking for.

In this video, you’ll learn how Talentsoft uses all of these technologies integrated into Microsoft Teams to help fashion industry giant Dior reach and employ the best creative talent in the world.

Providence St. Joseph Health provides a personalized patient experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Call center representatives in the medical industry have a crucial role to play. Not only must they solve the caller’s issue, but they must do so while conveying empathy, assertiveness, and confidence to the person on the line using only their voice. But to do all of this effectively, they must be armed with the information they need, and must be able to easily and intuitively access it while helping patients obtain a resolution to their problem. Furthermore, they must be able to add new information based on their interaction quickly and efficiently, so if the call breaks or the patient needs to call again, their information is updated and readily available within the system.

Watch this case study to learn how Providence St. Joseph Health has solved all of these challenges by employing Microsoft Dynamics 365 to provide their Patient Engagement Center Liaisons with a holistic view of patients and their needs.

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The Importance of Marrying IoT to Consumer Products for Ease of Life

The number of connected IoT devices in 2017 was 27 billion, and by 2030 it’s expected to grow to 125 billion. This means that the functionality and use scenarios for the IoT will continuously expand and permeate across all areas of consumer products, therefore improving the lifestyles and health of users worldwide.

But exactly how are IoT devices being used in the consumer product space to increase customer satisfaction and make businesses more efficient? Read this article to gain an accurate perspective into the reach that the IoT will have in the consumer product space and how businesses will leverage IoT devices to drive innovation across the industry.

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Customer Data Platforms: Striving for a Single View of the Customer

The ability to collect, store and normalize large volumes of data while creating a way to persistently identify profiles across digital touchpoints has been the holy grail for many marketers. Traditionally, Data Management Platforms (DMPs) have been used to fulfill this role, but their reliance on anonymous IDs, the lack of personally identifiable information (PII), and their focus on paid channel optimization has led marketers to look for other alternatives.

This is where Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) come into play. Thanks to their usage of known IDs, PII, and their focus on owned channel personalization, they might just provide the coordinated action across all touchpoints and channels that marketers have been seeking all along. But as more and more companies look to brand themselves as CDPs, a little research can go a long way to avoiding potential frustration and going with the wrong option.

In this article, you’ll learn about the CDP field as it stands today, and how to differentiate CDPs that started on the digital AdTech side from those that started on the PII MarTech side, as well as the differences in both their strengths and weaknesses.

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5 Things to Avoid While Using a Team Messenger

Team messenger apps are a great addition to the workplace, especially in today’s environment where working from home and flexible work schedules are the norm. However, it’s easy to forget that just like unbulleted emails and leaving used Tupperware in the company fridge, there are some behaviors that are frowned upon when using office communication tools.

In this article, you’ll review 5 basic rules that professionals must be mindful of when using a team messenger application in the office or remotely. Always keep them in mind to avoid awkward situations and the office blacklist.

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The 7 properties of highly secure devices

Every day, new IoT devices are powering up around the world. Each one represents a source of insights into customer behavior and provides the data required to create and monitor impactful strategies. On the flip side, all of them also represent a possible entry point for malicious software and cybercriminals to steal sensitive business information and permanently damage an organization’s reputation.

To counter this threat, enterprise security has gotten increasingly elaborate and effective at creating multiple security systems depending on the property of each device and its relationship with the customer.

In this infographic, you’ll learn about the 7 properties that help modern IoT devices stay safe from cyber attacks and keep hackers at bay.

View: The 7 properties of highly secure devices

Microsoft for Government: narrative, scenarios, and solutions

Public institutions provide hundreds of services, and each of them represents an opportunity to use digital to increase their efficiency and reach. But so many options can seem overwhelming, and crafting a compelling, insight-filled narrative can go a long way to effectively transmitting the real benefits that governments can experience with digital transformation.

In this infographic, we’ll provide you with the most common scenarios that provide opportunities for governments to go digital with Microsoft for Government. We’ve also included examples of impactful solutions for each scenario that have allowed public institutions to obtain outstanding results with digital. After reading it, you’ll be better equipped to craft attention-grabbing pitches for all branches of government institutions including Civilian Government & Public Safety, and Defense & Intelligence.

View: Microsoft for Government: narrative, scenarios, and solutions

Empower your entire organization with Microsoft Teams

So you’ve just arrived at the office, booted up your computer or laptop, and filled your first cup of coffee. You sit back down, take a sip, and what do you see? Chances are it’s a login screen. Hastily, you type in your username and password and get on with a productive day. At least that was the idea, until you remember you forgot to send Karen from HR your vacation request form. You try to reach her by email but to no avail, so you boot up the informal messenger that everyone in the office uses because the legacy messenger set up years ago crashes when you send so much as an emoji. But of course, you once again need to type in your login info, only to see that Janice is not online. So ultimately you end up making two trips to HR (on the first trip, you forgot to staple your vacation balance because the document is stored in a separate internal SharePoint) to finally get your vacation approved.

Ready to throw your computer out a window yet? We don’t blame you. This scenario may seem comical, but it’s a reality that thousands of employees must endure thanks to the lack of a single, unified digital workspace. Preferably one that can be implemented across your entire organization and serve as a hub for all documents and teams to collaborate, within and across projects.

After reading this infographic, you’ll learn how each department within your business can utilize Microsoft Teams to become more efficient, store documents securely, and collaborate seamlessly with any peer or colleague.

View: Empower your entire organization with Microsoft Teams

Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Data is everything in today’s digital world. Simply put, those businesses without the means to accurately extract data from their processes adapt more slowly than those that do. And in a world with increasing customer expectations and constantly evolving technology, gaining access to this information is no longer just a choice.

There is a bright side to this situation, though. As technology becomes more accessible, so do your options for implementing and creating successful digital strategies. Today’s leading platforms like Microsoft Azure IoT are not only easier to deploy, but also more flexible in their requirements and maintenance, giving your company the choice of executing them in the way that best aligns with your objectives.

Subscribe now to learn how digital transformation and the IoT can put you in total control of your business, as well as how you can get started with Microsoft.

View: Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.