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Security Is Not Privacy

Do you know the difference between security and privacy? Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they are quite different. And both are crucial to business longevity. Check out this thought leadership article to help you get started.

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Wild & Wolf Video 2

Wild & Wolf is a large, global business that has successfully implemented Dynamics 365. Now, they are able to run their business, and its many dispersed locations, using as few solutions as possible, while enabling the most room to grow. This video showcases the success they’ve achieved with Dynamics 365.

According to Wild & Wolf, what makes the solution truly unique is the ability to instantly add apps, and use the additional functionality to dial in a solution in ways never possible before.

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Why Remote Work Trumps Being in the Office

It’s no secret that when implemented with the right vision and control mechanisms, remote collaboration provides outstanding benefits for both employees and organizations. Workers enjoy greater flexibility plus the satisfaction of better work-life balance, while organizations obtain unparalleled scalability and increased efficiency across projects.

In this article, we’ll put you in the shoes of a passionate work-from-home advocate to discover the main reasons why this benefit is sought after by professionals in every industry. You’ll also learn why, in these digital times, remote collaboration is not only an option, but THE best option for companies that wish to empower and motivate today’s diverse and inclusive workforce.

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How to Give People What They Want Online

What do customers really want out of their online interactions with your company? Answering this question correctly can mean the difference between increasing revenue and joining the group of businesses that, combined, lose upwards of $1.6 trillion each year by not living up to consumer expectations.

Truth be told, there is no single correct answer to this question, and yours will ultimately depend on your product, service, or industry. However, there are four general principles that every business can integrate into their customer experience strategy that have proven to yield exceptional results, regardless of the nature of their business.

Read this article to learn how you can leverage these trends in your favor and increase brand loyalty among your customers.

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Incredible Real-World Applications Prove the IoT Is Here to Stay

As author Peter Daisyme accurately puts it, “While many people debate whether little computers in wrist devices, clothing, refrigerators and vehicles will truly change our lives, actionable change is already occurring on the business application side of the IoT.” Regardless of which side of the argument you’re on, the impact the IoT is having in our societies at a macro level is undeniable.

While you’re reading this, devices that measure and predict air pollution, vehicle traffic levels, machine failure rates, fire warnings, and crime rates are being employed to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. And as cities and businesses become more interconnected by the hour, we’ll find more and more useful ways in which the IoT can help us better utilize our resources and lift the burden we put on our environment.

In this article, you’ll gain deeper insights into how IoT devices are being used by companies and governments alike to obtain accurate data across many potentially life-saving use cases. You’ll also learn about what the future holds in store for us as cities powered by artificial intelligence become near-sentient beings capable of reacting in real time to the habits and living conditions of their inhabitants.

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Customer story: Presentation Studio

Sydney-based company Presentation Studio specializes in writing and designing sleek, professional presentations across the Asia-Pacific region. As the company expanded in proportion to the demand for its product, company leaders at Presentation Studio knew they needed to upgrade to a secure, cloud-based platform, so they partnered with Microsoft 365. They are using productivity and collaboration tools that allow employees to work remotely and work together across a multitude of apps and devices, plus enterprise-grade security features keep sensitive data safe from cyberattacks.

The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn’t really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had.

Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways.

Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

5 reasons to empower governments with digital transformation

Delivering the best services possible to citizens while managing tight budgets is an everyday struggle for public institutions. Although this is also true for many privately owned companies, a slight delay or inefficiency in public services can spell disaster for entire families. Yet keeping up with digital transformation can be difficult for such institutions thanks to nightmarishly long bureaucratic processes and archaically old existing architectures. This means that once a digital strategy gets approved, there’s little to no room to get things wrong. When thing do go the right way, however, governments and public institutions are empowered with unparalleled efficiency that translates into a better quality of life for all citizens.

In this infographic, you’ll learn how digital transformation strategies can greatly improve the effectiveness of public services and significantly enhance taxpayers’ overall perception of the institutions that implement them.

View: 5 reasons to empower governments with digital transformation

The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

IoT is quickly becoming the most important business revolution of the digital age, with its implications being felt across all industries worldwide. However, unlocking the true potential of IoT requires not only a clear roadmap with specific objectives, but also a solid front-end and back-end infrastructure that’s capable of making sense of the data obtained. It’s for this reason that both public and private organizations sometimes struggle when implementing a successful IoT strategy and fail to reach the desired return-on-investment (ROI).

To address the risks you may encounter with IoT, we’ve created this short, insightful infographic. After reading it, you’ll have a better idea of the tools and actions you should be executing during each of the three stages of IoT implementation to overcome challenges and maximize effectiveness. You’ll also obtain a straightforward checklist that your teams can refer to when establishing or optimizing their strategies.

View: The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

Business Central AI Infographic

AI isn’t just for large businesses. The built-in AI capabilities in Business Central 365 make it easy for any sized business to work smarter and make better decisions. Share this infographic with your customers to promote this incredibly valuable component of Business Central.

View: Business Central AI Infographic