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Modernize and empower sales teams with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Professionals

On average, sellers work with 6.8 stakeholders and 16 colleagues per deal, which makes sales cycles very long and extremely complex. To further complicate matters, today’s sellers are on twice as many teams as they were a few years ago.

Clearly, legacy methods of storing and accessing customer information, tracking the status of deals in progress, collaborating with mobile colleagues, and maintaining a “big picture” view of every moving part are not sufficient for today’s on-the-go sales professionals. That’s where Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a competitive advantage.

Watch this short video to learn how Dynamics 365 can help modernize seller productivity with a simpler, more streamlined way to build sales momentum, close more deals, and boost productivity.

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Did you know that having resources available in Microsoft Teamwork solutions reduces downtime by 15%? The benefit to your company productivity can be huge.

Want to propel your business forward and change the way your team communicates? Subscribe now to learn how you can change the way your team works together.

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Microsoft a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise BI Platforms

In a crowded field of BI solutions providers, how can customers reliably identify an industry leader? By what criteria should they make such a judgment? In this Power BI blog entry, we address both questions by citing and linking to The Forrester Wave report for Q3 2019 that recognizes Microsoft as a leader in enterprise BI platforms, where we receive the highest score in the two categories of strategy and market presence. From the blog, customers can download the full Forrester report and see how Microsoft Power BI stacks up against competing solutions, as well as explore the differentiated features in the current enterprise BI market.

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Customer Story: Clifton Coffee

Clifton Coffee Roasters (CCR) is a popular coffee company that profited from the recent boom in café culture. As Clifton Coffee Roasters’ business grew, so did the company leaders’ ambitions. They credit digital business and communication tools from Microsoft with helping them to grow and scale their business. Now, they provide additional services like technical support and delivery service to coffee shops across the UK. Check out this video to see how Clifton Coffee Roasters upgraded their teamwork strategy to grow their business.

Bringing remote patient care to remote patients with Microsoft Power BI and Azure

How do you deliver expert healthcare to the most remote towns and villages in South Africa, to the people who need it most? Dr. Raymond Campbell, founder of Phulukisa (which means “to heal” in the local language), turned to Microsoft for the answer. His solution: a cloud-enabled backpack that field doctors can take into remote areas across South Africa and use to screen patients for common diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, diabetes, and heart disease. The data is then collected and uploaded to MySQL database in Azure, and the results are pushed back into Microsoft Power BI and delivered to doctors on the ground–all within a matter of minutes. Presented by Satya Nadella at the 2019 Inspire event, this short video illustrates how Microsoft solutions are enabling ordinary people with a vision to accomplish extraordinary things–and help save lives in the process.

Driving digital transformation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 to create an integrated, growth-enabling workplace

After growing into one of the largest hotel chains in the U.S., the Red Lion Hotel Corporation (RLH) faced the challenge of combining its internal siloed legacy platforms into a unified system that enabled data-driven decision making.

Leveraging the robust capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365, RLH obtained accurate performance data analysis, created a more efficient and productive workplace environment, and gained a revenue-increasing ecosystem that fosters integration and scalability.

Watch the video to learn more about their success story, then contact Ingram Micro Cloud to learn how we can help your organization create its own success story.

Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has transformed internal communications for today’s businesses, delivering features that allow companies to customize workspaces, connect team members together, provide single-point access to assets, integrate third-party solutions, and more. In this video, you’ll see how advanced communications tools and the integration of disparate CRM tools into Microsoft Teams enabled Red Lion Hotels (RLH) to up its hospitality game.

We All Knew Tech Would Make Work Better

By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. What are you doing to modernize your workplace? Today, the answers are increasingly nuanced, characterized by a cycle of changes in the workplace.

After a revolution in the workplace spurred by technology, companies are finding that a balanced approach may be the most effective. Explore this article to learn more.

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Digital transformation is causing a tsunami of data; and adhering to the compliance standards being put in place to protect it is complicated. Subscribe today to stay informed about the Microsoft Cloud and Microsoft 365 solutions we offer to assess and manage compliance risk, protect sensitive data and respond efficiently to data discovery requests.

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Data-Minded Or Data-Blinded?

Collaboration and networks are about people not data. In this Forbes article, the CEO of, a worldwide network of AI and Machine Learning experts, explores opportunities and concerns around the use of network data analysis to transform organizations.

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