Category Archives: Uncategorized

Contextual marketing and the power of removing data silos

Siloed data compromises business productivity. It can also compromise customer experience, which can be costly. In fact, according to a 2016 Accenture study, the estimated cost of customers switching to another provider due to poor service was $1.6 trillion. Regardless of the industry, businesses must deliver a positive, consistent, and personalized experience to keep customers loyal and happy.

In this Forbes article, read how marketers are doing just that. By removing data silos and consolidating customer data into a central, cloud-based location, they’re not only making real-time, data-driven decisions, but they’re also “turning browsers into buyers and driving customer loyalty.”

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Chillibreeze brings jobs to northeast India with Office 365 and SideKick 365 xRM

Ten years ago, Joanna and Ralph Budelman founded Chillibreeze to create jobs in rural NE India. Overcoming limited IT resources and infrastructure, they created a niche PowerPoint service for global customers. But they struggled to meet increasing customer demand with their ad hoc solutions and siloed data. In this week’s video, watch how Microsoft partner, Skylight Systems, helped Chillibreeze to build infrastructure where there was none and to pull together disparate data with Office 365 and SideKick 365 xRM. Chillibreeze, now a 50-employee firm, serves customers around the world.

Six Ways To Improve Team Collaboration And Enhance Productivity

Working as a team can be a difficult feat to achieve for any business, especially when it involves bringing together people who don’t normally do so. But in order to succeed, you need everyone onboard, and this means giving them Office 365. With Office 365 you can connect better with customers and colleagues with a range of communication tools, from email and IM to social networking and video conferencing. At Ingram Micro Cloud, we want to help. Contact us and read this article for more.

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Veriown Energy Uses Office 365 to Generate Business

Veriown Energy saved US$27,468 by reconfiguring their productivity platform. For a business of any size, it’s important that you maximize the cloud platform that you use. With Microsoft Office 365, collaboration, agility, and mobility are easy. You can even change your productivity platform to suit your specific needs maximizing your time and stretching your dollar further. Ingram Micro Cloud wants to help you integrate Office 365. Contact us and check out this video for more.

3 ways to grow your business with email marketing

Digital marketing can be a daunting prospect for many small business owners — especially considering that your larger competitors may have entire digital marketing departments on the case. Even some email marketing services can be overwhelming, with dozens of templates making it confusing to know where to start or what to write.

Microsoft Connections simplifies this process, making reaching out to customers as easy as sending an email. Just choose from three pre-designed templates for newsletters, announcements or customer referrals. You can easily build a subscriber list and track results to improve your messaging.

This eBook shares three key ways in which Connections can help you improve customer engagement while growing your business.

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Accelerate your GDPR compliance journey with Microsoft 365

Navigating toward GDPR compliance requires an approach that will allow you to get the most out of the process. The capabilities of Microsoft 365 can accelerate your journey to GDPR compliance. With a deep understanding of GDPR and its implications on organizations, Microsoft is set up to help you navigate the murky waters. Don’t attempt to swim through the regulations on your own. At Ingram Micro Cloud, we can help guide you on your journey. Contact us for more.

View: Accelerate your GDPR compliance journey with Microsoft 365

Journey to GDPR Compliance

This e-book addresses Microsoft’s own journey to GDPR compliance. It shares their approach to global regulations and standards like the GDPR, what they’ve been doing to drive compliance within Microsoft, and key lessons learned along the way. This e-book will give you a window into the level of investment Microsoft has made.

View: Journey to GDPR Compliance

Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and your options with Microsoft 365

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes new obligations on businesses in the EU that collect and analyze data tied to EU residents. Compliance with these new regulations can be confusing. That’s why Microsoft has created a set of tools that make compliance easier. At Ingram Micro Cloud, we want to help with your compliance journey. Contact us for more.