Category Archives: Uncategorized

Can you automate your business without losing that personal touch?

Automating business processes can mean substantial gains for your company, but you can’t forget about the personal interaction your customer needs. It’s a balancing act. Managing the customer relationship requires trust, loyalty, and an established rapport. Automation requires balance to preserve that relationship dynamic and enhance the overall customer experience.

View: Can you automate your business without losing that personal touch?

Use Business Process Automation to Increase Productivity

Office 365’s business process automation helps businesses work more efficiently so they can achieve more. Indivior uses it to accelerate their research for a cure to opioid addiction. It streamlines, automates, and transforms business processes with rich forms, workflows, and custom mobile apps so that you don’t have to. It handles the redundant, repetitive tasks so that you can focus on impact. Contact us today to find out how Office 365 can benefit your business.

View: Use Business Process Automation to Increase Productivity

Ten predictions for the Internet of Things in 2018

IoT is poised to become the backbone of future customer value. Infrastructure surrounding the IoT is beginning to shift to the edge and to specialized IoT platforms. Developers will have a significant impact on IoT devices and initiatives, but what about the European decision on commercializing IoT data? These 10 predictions about IoT lay it all out–and on the line–in 2018. Read the article and find out more.

View: Ten predictions for the Internet of Things in 2018

Untangling airports using open source tools on Microsoft Azure

Scientists from the University of Stirling and University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom tackled the knotty problem of delays on airport taxiways, where…

View: Untangling airports using open source tools on Microsoft Azure

British Airways Leverages Visual Studio 2017 and Microsoft Azure to Unite its Global Workforce

In this clip, Ingram Micro Cloud looks at how Azure tools and services, along with Visual Studio 2017, support British Airways developers as they innovate to deliver company information across all employee devices and platforms. Now all 40,000 employees can access the same information with unprecedented ease, thanks to single sign-on. Let us show you how your organization can achieve ground-breaking connectedness and innovation.

View: British Airways Leverages Visual Studio 2017 and Microsoft Azure to Unite its Global Workforce

‘Why Does My Business Experience More Obstacles Than Others?’ (Hint: It Doesn’t.)

Some entrepreneurs feel as if the universe is working against them. It’s a phenomenon called the headwinds/tailwinds effect.

View: ‘Why Does My Business Experience More Obstacles Than Others?’ (Hint: It Doesn’t.)

Office 365 Propels Turbine Test Services to New Heights

In this video Ingram Micro Cloud takes a look at how Microsoft Office 365 helps small business owner Scott Naucler and his three employees work better together – giving him time to pursue his passion for the wind, at work and in life. Contact us today to find out how we can help you do the same.

View: Office 365 Propels Turbine Test Services to New Heights

Backing up your data in Microsoft Azure

A simple, reliable, cost-effective option for backing up customer data to the cloud, Microsoft Azure Backup encrypts and protects backups in offsite cloud storage. This adds a layer of protection in case data loss or disaster impacts customer servers. Azure Backup allows customers to quickly back up and restore files when accidentally deleted or lost. You can even retain old files and data for up to nine years with a cost-effective, pay-as-you-go model and no per-server or data transfer fees. Maintain flexibility and scale as needed for a fast and easy way to meet requirements. Lean more with this e-book! 

View the E-Book

View: Backing up your data in Microsoft Azure

Java — Much More Than a Programming Language

Java is not just a programming language — it is also a platform that includes a well-known set of open source and commercial tools, an extensive ecosystem of experienced developers, and a standardized application deployment platform. Because it is flexible, scalable, cost-effective, and reduces risk, Java helps modern digital businesses to simplify development, reduce overall development costs, and accelerate time to market.