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The City of Houston Success Story: Video teaser

For local governments, digital transformation isn’t just a means of optimizing their daily operations or becoming more efficient—it’s also about potentially saving and improving the lives of thousands (even millions) of citizens. In other words, it’s about leveraging accurate, predictable data to be prepared for events such as an increase in population or a natural disaster.

Thankfully, the increased availability of digital tools and a growing integration between devices and systems is bringing cities closer than ever to this reality. In this video, you’ll learn about the City of Houston, Texas’ vision for becoming an interconnected hub for technological advancement and innovation, thanks to the tools provided by always-on digital technology.

Seattle Seahawks play to win with smart data and intelligent insights

Every professional athlete’s worst fear is a career-ending injury. And each match and training session becomes a gamble in which they risk everything to leave their name in the pages of history. Thing is, having an injury-free career is almost impossible, and as the years pass, the question becomes when they’ll happen instead of if they’ll happen. Such was the case of Seattle Seahawks cornerback Deshawn Shead, who in the Divisional Round of the 2016 playoffs suffered a torn ACL while playing against the Atlanta Falcons.

In this video, you’ll learn the compelling story of how he managed to overcome his injury thanks to the help of incredibly talented medical professionals aided by real-time data collected during his therapy sessions. After watching it, you’ll gain insights into how modern sports teams are using digital tools like Microsoft Azure to complement their medical teams and ensure their athletes enjoy long, successful careers.

Rolls-Royce and Microsoft collaborate to create new digital capabilities

If you’ve ever experienced a flight delay, you know how frustrating it can be to sit in an airplane for what seems like an eternity, especially if you have other flights to catch or someone is waiting for you at your destination. But you’re not the only one negatively affected by these extended pit stops. Like any other transportation business, airlines make a profit the more their planes are in transit, and they lose millions of dollars per year to unexpected maintenance delays.

Within this context, Rolls-Royce—one of the leading suppliers of aircraft engines across the world—saw an opportunity to disrupt the traditional sales model and leverage digital transformation to make flights safer while decreasing delays. Watch this video to learn how Rolls-Royce is using Microsoft Azure and IoT to obtain, analyze, and filter critical component data to ensure their engines always fly in the best condition possible and that thousands of passengers reach their destinations safe and sound every day.

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Transform your organization with the power of Business Intelligence. Get started with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The business landscape has changed. Thanks to integrated data platforms and IoT devices, companies are successfully extracting every byte of information from business processes and using it to empower decision makers with accurate information they can use to make strategic decisions.

This is how modern enterprises are capable of predicting market trends with pinpoint accuracy or quickly adapt to those they cannot foresee, and how small and medium-sized businesses are innovating at breakneck speed to rise above the competition to claim their piece of the global market. Regardless of their size, the common takeaway is that transforming data into actionable intelligence has become the top priority of modern organizations.

Subscribe now to stay updated with the latest digital transformation trends and how you can tap into your organization to unlock the power of actionable insights and business intelligence with Microsoft.

View: Transform your organization with the power of Business Intelligence. Get started with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Enhance and automate the way you communicate with your customers. Learn more about bot integration for Microsoft Teams.

Your customer service teams have a lot on their plate. Not only do they have to troubleshoot problems efficiently, they must also deal with upset or worried clients while they do so. And to add another challenge, they have the added pressure of knowing that a single misstep can potentially have devastating consequences for their business’ finances and reputation.

Thankfully, digital transformation has armed today’s customer service teams with the technology they need to be better prepared for their next customer encounter. Now, artificial intelligence has enabled client-facing teams to come prepared with accurate data to better understand a customer’s issue and solve it effectively.

Subscribe now to learn how you can utilize the advanced bot integration capabilities of Microsoft Teams to enable effective communication with your clients and create outstanding customer experiences.

View: Enhance and automate the way you communicate with your customers. Learn more about bot integration for Microsoft Teams.

Expand your service portfolio by leveraging real-time customer data. Learn more about Azure IoT.

How do you create brand loyalty? In other words, how do you make customers trust your business based on objective reasons that go beyond just brand recognition? To be fair, there is no single answer to this question, but if we’ve learned anything from the digital age, it’s that giving your customers unwavering support and optimizing your products based on their feedback can go a long way to ensuring a business’ survival.

So how are today’s leading enterprises gathering data to obtain accurate insights into their customers to create new products and services? And, more importantly, how can your organization learn from their success to disrupt the market and become a top player in the industry?

Subscribe now to stay updated on the latest digital trends and how you can create a more connected business with Microsoft Azure IoT.

View: Expand your service portfolio by leveraging real-time customer data. Learn more about Azure IoT.

Combi Terminal Twente accelerates shipping operations AI-trained AtBot in Teams

In these times, customers are unforgiving, especially when their products and services are on the line. And for businesses in the transportation industry, taking the time to carefully review every minute detail is crucial to ensuring their customers get their goods when they need them, where they need them. Problem is, time is also money, and finding the sweet spot between efficient and quality customer service is an everyday challenge for global transport companies like Combi Terminal Twente (CTT).

In this video, you’ll learn how CTT is leveraging the integration capabilities of Microsoft Teams to provide global customer support powered by AtBot and give clients the ability to track their goods anytime, anywhere.

The ‘Internet of Things’ Is Changing the Way We Look at the Global Product Value Chain

IoT is no longer a novelty, and still it surprises us each day with new, innovative solutions to everyday tasks. When was the last time you checked the TV for the weather, or had to download your photos to a computer so you could share them with friends or relatives? Unless you’re a meteorologist or professional photographer, chances are it’s been a long time since you did either of those things.

Today, our devices do almost everything for us. From scheduling our appointments to letting us know when our heart rate is above or below safe levels, to everything in between. Our IoT devices truly get to know us better than we thought we knew ourselves. So why not utilize this data to create amazing experiences with the products and services we use every day?

In this article, you’ll learn how the IoT is helping businesses reevaluate the way they interact with their customers to create new, non-intrusive, and relevant business opportunities that are changing the way we look at the Global Product Supply Chain.

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Tips to avoid drowning in data

With the coming of digital transformation and IoT, businesses have begun a race to obtain more data from their customers and business processes. This may seem like amazing news until you realize that out of the 7.5 septillion bytes of data produced each day, most of it provides little or no value to generate actionable intelligence that can influence or alter a company’s bottom line. This means that carefully selecting and curating data is just as important as building the infrastructure needed to obtain it.

Read this article to learn how collecting unnecessary data can negatively impact your business and to gain insights into how you can better filter data to enable the creation of revenue-generating opportunities.

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How We Saved Our Culture of Collaboration: Tech Was the Means for Easing the Pain of Rapid Growth

What qualifies as a successful collaboration tool? The short (and kind of obvious) answer is: one that gets people to use it. In other words, your large investment in a new platform may have proven useless unless that platform resonates with your workforce. This is why today’s leading platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Workplace by Facebook have put customization and convenience at the top of their to-do list. And it’s paying off immensely, with the industry expected to reach a value of $60 billion by 2023.

So what’s the secret sauce behind the success and massive adoption of these platforms? Read this article to gain spot-on insights into how modern collaboration software has evolved to earn its place in the hearts—and devices—of today’s millennial workforce.

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