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Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

Public sector initiatives are more often than not highly complex and carefully planned endeavors. And, to be fair, they have every reason to be. Millions of people depend on public services to make their lives better, and even a brief interruption can affect thousands of citizens.

This doesn’t mean that governments should postpone or cancel their digital initiatives, however—they just have to avoid as much risk as humanly possible. A significant part of this involves making the right choice when partnering with a provider and choosing the correct platform. It’s critical, therefore, to pick one that guarantees flexibility, security, and cost-effectiveness, but more importantly, ensures the continuity of public services.

In this infographic, you’ll learn why Microsoft has become the partner of choice for governments across the world, and what characteristics have helped Microsoft’s products become a staple for public digital initiatives.

View: Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

Organizations don’t make the jump to digital collaborations overnight. It takes month—or even years, depending on their size—of careful planning and strategy to come up with a transition plan that doesn’t compromise operations while everybody gets onboarded.

It’s our job, then, to guide our clients and partners as to the best way they can make their digital plans happen. Of course, this isn’t always easy—some organizations have highly rigid and complex structures that can take a while to adapt and integrate new technologies, while others may have multiple stakeholders who need to be consulted during each stage of the process. Either way, a clear and well-established roadmap goes a long way toward ensuring the process goes as smoothly as possible.

That’s why we’ve created this infographic—to provide you with 7 time-tested steps that can make your customers’ Microsoft Teams adoption as seamless as possible. Use it as a handy cheat sheet for yourself or your sales teams, or bring it along to executive meetings for a visually impactful way of presenting a solid implementation strategy that’s recommended by Microsoft.

View: The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

Reinvent Business Productivity with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Office 365

To get ahead of the competition, SMBs realize they need to break down silos, work from connected systems and make every customer engagement count. In this thought-provoking, easy-to-read eBook, discover how Business Central integrates with Office 365 to provide an all-in-one solution to drive success.

Using three, day-in-the-life scenarios, visualize how Business Central brings insight and efficiency to daily routines. Specifically, this eBook illustrates the life of a business owner, a sales rep and an accountant, and shows how Dynamics 365 transformed their jobs.

View: Reinvent Business Productivity with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Office 365

Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

The IoT is changing today’s organizations into digital businesses. It’s also creating innovative business models, boosting efficiency, and fostering engagement in both employees and customers. Change is not always smooth, however. Sometimes the only way to adapt and stay relevant is by radically reinventing the way things have been done in the past, which can be a painful process for some companies.

There are other barriers to entry for IoT as well: most enterprises don’t know where to start implementing the technology; moreover, if strategies do exist, there’s almost always a conflict regarding who owns them. During these discussions, it’s the job of the CIO to fill the resulting IoT leadership void.

This book provides CIOs and IT leaders with a solid foundation for starting business conversations, developing initiatives, and creating successful IoT strategies with a quick time-to-market. Subscribe now to download your copy.

View: Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

Enable digital, efficient, and trust-building services. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Efficiency is especially important when other people’s lives depend on your services. Today’s governments now have the digital tools at their disposal to empower their citizens with intuitive, accessible applications that eliminate the need for paper, manual tasks, and long wait times.

Subscribe now to learn how your organization—public or private—can increase its ability to deliver fast, timely services that will improve end-user satisfaction and help you build trust with your target audience.

View: Enable digital, efficient, and trust-building services. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

A single digital workspace that connects ideas, projects, and people. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

As the world becomes increasingly connected, continuous product innovation in the Modern Workplace provides growing opportunities for today’s organizations to deliver customized business solutions to their customers.

In this digital landscape, the demand for unified solutions is stronger than ever, with 88 percent of Microsoft customers agreeing that having all their solutions together in one place saves them time. These same companies also estimate that they’ve saved nearly $5 million over three years from not having to switch back and forth between apps.

So how exactly are organizations adapting to these trends? Subscribe now to get the answer to this question and many others regarding Modern Workplace, digital collaboration, and Microsoft solutions.

View: A single digital workspace that connects ideas, projects, and people. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Protect your business: Recognize the top three security threats, plus one you may not know about

This report gives detailed information on how to safeguard your customers’ data from viruses, phishing, and ransomware, plus a common security threat you may have overlooked.

The global average cost of a cyberattack is $3.6 million. But awareness is the first step in security and prevention. Check out this e-book and contact our team to learn more about how to defend your company against cyberattacks.

View: Protect your business: Recognize the top three security threats, plus one you may not know about

Wild & Wolf (video 3)

Fast growth is great for business but can also prove to be difficult to navigate. Doubling in size in just five years, Wild & Wolf had to quickly move out of their comfort zone and adapt to rapid change. In this third video of the series, watch how this innovative business overcame their growing pains and rose to the challenge to achieve great success.

In order to remain successful, Wild &Wolf knew that keeping their systems up-to-date and efficiently moving data around their business would help them provide a more customer-centric experience. Dynamics 365 Business Central enabled them to stop reacting to fires, and to proactively anticipate the needs of their customers.

Prevent data leaks

The global average cost of a data breach is $3.6 million. Is your company prepared to deal with the aftermath of a cyberattack?

Many businesses struggle with preventive measures that block the sharing of sensitive information or prevent unauthorized users from viewing sensitive documents. It’s no wonder that protecting against data leaks is a daunting task.

With the rich security features available in Microsoft 365 Business, you can easily protect your company’s sensitive data. Check out this infographic for a quick overview of industry trends, business pains, proof points, and more on how you can prevent data leaks.

View: Prevent data leaks

FINNING | Challenges and Opportunities with IoT Apps on Azure Cloud

Every role within an organization needs specific tools and data to do their job as best they can. This task is more complex than it sounds, though. Without the required scalability and customization options, even small businesses can struggle when obtaining relevant information, let alone large, multinational corporations.

If done right, however, the payoff is well worth it. Companies gain access to previously untapped data sources and the ability to filter such data according to each person’s role within the organization. When combined with the right integrated productivity tools and digital collaboration software, this allows for unparalleled levels of adaptability, efficiency, and risk management.

In this video, you’ll learn how Finning has utilized IoT to connect its entire organization, enabling each person to view relevant data depending on their role within the company.