Category Archives: Uncategorized

J. Walter Thompson creates a global collaboration hub with Microsoft technologies

J. Walter Thompson, one of the world’s largest advertising and marketing firms, needed a way for its geographically dispersed teams to effortlessly collaborate, produce great work, and increase efficiency. The agency also needed its workforce to have access to the newest digital workplace technology while enabling integration with existing Microsoft Office 365 tools and applications. Watch this video to learn how Microsoft Teams empowered J. Walter Thompson to drive projects across locations by allowing it to seamlessly add members, create and share content, and deliver on the unique value proposition that the agency has been known for since 1896.

Protect against cybersecurity threats with Microsoft 365

We get it. You’re busy. You need to focus on your business and don’t have time to be hindered by cybersecurity threats.

Lucky for you, Microsoft 365 Business provides robust security solutions with comprehensive external threat protection and internal data leak prevention. With our Microsoft 365 Business solutions, you can make sure that nothing stands in the way of your company’s safety.

Check out this infographic for a quick view of industry trends, pain points, proof points, and more on why you should upgrade to Microsoft 365 Business.

View: Protect against cybersecurity threats with Microsoft 365

4 Ways the Business World is Going to Change in 2020

When the world is changing at breakneck speed, innovation becomes an organization’s most important weapon. History offers a few key lessons about how to wield that weapon in the future.

The article underscores that the process of innovation itself is morphing into ‘outside-in’ models in addition to other important trends. Share this forward-thinking article from Inc. on your social media accounts to attract new followers.

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Cybersecurity: A Small Business Guide

You already know that small businesses are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, but what can you do about it? How familiar are you with the common security pitfalls for small businesses, and do you know how to avoid them? Check out this article for an overview of the most common types of cyberattacks. It also details cybersecurity best practices targeted at protecting small businesses against data breaches.

And if you need help protecting your business and customers, we’re here for you

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The Business Owner’s Guide for Replacing Accounting Software

Replacing older accounting software can be easier and more affordable that many people think. The purpose of this guide is to help prospective customers understand the benefits of a modern technology platform, the advantages of a cloud-based solution, and how to evaluate the options.

View: The Business Owner’s Guide for Replacing Accounting Software

The NQCranes Story—Game Changing Microsoft Cloud ERP

Stephen Goodson, IT manager at NQCranes, worked with his Microsoft partner to envision and create an ideal tomorrow for his company—a future that successfully connected their 60 technicians to their more than 15,000 pieces of equipment. After trying several different applications, Microsoft 365 Business Central was the only whole platform that could be fully integrated to meet their needs.

After choosing Microsoft 365 Business Central, the comprehensive, cloud ERP platform for mid-sized enterprises, the entire company was able to access data quickly, eliminate many manual processes, and improve visibility across all reporting.

FINNING digitally transforms its operations with IoT apps on Azure cloud

FINNING, the world’s largest Caterpillar dealer, started its digital transformation journey with customers in mind, but soon realized that its own operations were seeing just as many benefits as its clients. Not willing to turn down an opportunity to improve, FINNING quickly learned that the data obtained from customer-facing solutions enabled it to gain insights into internal processes and become even more efficient. Watch this video to learn how Azure IoT can have game-changing solutions that push forward internal process optimization and enhance customer satisfaction.

GEICO turbocharges insurance innovation with Microsoft Cloud

Insurance customers want the ability to buy and be serviced from anywhere, at any time. To meet this desire, GEICO decided to focus on two key aspects: abandoning its legacy infrastructure and focusing on digital transformation from a customer engagement perspective.

Watch this video to learn how GEICO evolved from a traditional, silo-based infrastructure to an integrated, automated, and collaborative model. This transition allowed for increased flexibility and productivity thanks to a DevOps approach using Microsoft Azure.

Introducing Microsoft Teams

How do you empower great ideas across a digital workspace so that they evolve in a fluid and organic matter? This is a critical question to answer for any company with a remote workforce—and with teams growing more diverse and intergenerational every year, it’s becoming increasingly complex.

In this video, you’ll learn how Microsoft Teams complements the already-robust applications found in Office 365. You’ll also discover how both solutions together are enabling some of the world’s leading companies to create frictionless digital workplace experiences for their employees.

5 Signs a Company has Outgrown its Accounting Solution

This infographic highlights five tell-tale signs that demonstrate when a business has outgrown its accounting software. For example, siloed systems, complicated reporting, and duplicate entries are just a few of the symptoms to watch out for. What’s more, learn how to grow beyond the limits of accounting software and how to start a free trial!

Read about these signs, and more:

– Siloed and disconnected systems.
– Complicated reporting
– Duplicate entries and errors
– Utilization of spreadsheets for accounting
– Lack of audit trails

View: 5 Signs a Company has Outgrown its Accounting Solution